
Admission Arrangements to Main School Admissions are arranged through Stockton’s Co-ordinated Admissions Arrangements. Parents/Carers wishing to apply for a place at Ingleby Mill should click the following link   This will take you to the Stockton Admissions page where you will find the latest ‘Admission to Primary Schools’ booklet. This booklet is updated every year and outlines the Admission Policy for Stockton Local Authority Schools including: how to apply, how places are allocated, in-year transfers and the appeals process. Stockton Council Admissions can be contacted on 01642 766505 If your child was born between 1st September 2020 and the 31st August 2021, they will be starting in RECEPTION at primary school in September 2025. Application form, timescales and deadlines are all outlined in the ‘Admission to Primary Schools’ booklet and can be accessed by following the link above. Please note that our admission limit from the academic year 2020-21 onwards is 60 children, where previously it has been 90 children. Therefore for the academic year 2025-2026 our admission limit to Reception is 60 children.  

Admission to our Nursery For a place in our nursery please contact the school directly on 01642 761985 We have provision for morning, afternoon, flexible (two and a half days) or 30 hour places in our nursery for 4 and 3 year olds. Parents are invited to put their child’s name on the waiting list. Priority is given to 4 year olds who are: 1.  Resident within the admission zone of the school; 2.  Not resident in the admission zone of the school and for whom it has not been possible/appropriate to allocate a place at their admission zone school and the school for which the parent is applying is deemed appropriate; 3.  Not resident in the admission zone of the school but have a sibling attending the school at the time they take their place in nursery. Where there are vacancies remaining, up to the set admission number of 39 full time equivalent places, places will be allocated in the following order of priorities for 3 year old children who are:

  1. Resident in the admission zone of the school and are deemed to have exceptional circumstance. This includes special educational needs;
  2. Not resident in the admission zone of the school and deemed to have exceptional circumstance. This includes special educational needs;
  3. Resident in the admission zone and have a sibling attending the school at the time they take their place in  nursery;
  4. Not resident in the admission zone and have a sibling attending the school at the time they take their place in nursery;
  5. Resident in the admission zone of the school;
  6. Not resident in the admission zone of the school.

Please note that a place at our nursery does not guarantee a place in our school for reception