Welcome to Ingleby Mill Primary School
Thank you for making the effort to find us. Ours is a very large primary school serving children and families in Ingleby Barwick. We pride ourselves on providing a strong family ethos where every child is recognised and celebrated as an individual.
Our notable strengths are:
- A positive ethos – a strong family atmosphere
- A commitment to high levels of expectation in pupil performance and behaviour
- An effective and involved Governing Body
- A strong commitment to development and improvement
- An effective self- evaluation system
- A commitment to inclusion where every child matters
- A broad, balanced, relevant curriculum for all our pupils
- A commitment to professional development for all staff
- A commitment to providing support for all children and staff
- A desire to provide the highest quality of resources for our school
- A vision to provide a happy, secure, relaxed, ordered environment which enables all children to reach their full potential academically, socially and aesthetically.
The Department of Education performance and league tables for our school can be viewed by clicking here.