Governors are critical friends who help school to improve. Our Governors come from all walks of life and have a range of experiences which help make them great at their job. We have Governors appointed by the Local Authority, Parent Governors, Community Governors and Staff Governors.
Governors meet as an entire body at least once a term. A number of committees, including Finance and Staffing and School Improvement, report into the Full Governing Body the content of their meetings and any decisions taken. Please click below to see the committee structure, responsibilities and delegation.
Governor committees – responsibilities and delegation May 2023
Governors are responsible for ensuring that there are strategies and improvement priorities in place so that children at Ingleby Mill are well taught, achieve highly and are happy and safe at school. They make sure that financial decision making is transparent and carried out according to best value principles. Governors and staff work alongside each other to determine the future direction of the school and to ensure that the school’s priorities can be achieved.
Governors have been involved recently in ensuring that IT equipment is upgraded and updated (approving the renewal of all PCs in the computer suite as well as additional IPADs so that children can access IT support across the curriculum) as well as approving plans to enhance and improve the playgrounds. They have also monitored the progress and achievement of specific groups of learners to ensure that needs are being met.
Every March, the Finance and Staffing Committee meet for a Strategic Planning Day where the school budget is planned in great detail alongside the school’s priorities for improvement.
Our Governors do a great job and our school wouldn’t be as successful without their time, commitment and willingness to be involved. Your children’s education matters hugely to them.
Please click below to view/download documents:-
Governors Statement of Behaviour Principles 2023-24
Register of Governor interests 2023-24
Governor Meeting Attendance 2023-24